Institutional Collections

Skinner collaborates with museums, historical societies, corporations, educational and non-profit institutions to assist with collecting and organizational goals. With expertise in numerous specialty areas, Skinner provides Museum & Institutional Services for fine objects of value.

Deaccessioning and Consignment

Skinner works directly with museum curators and directors, offering confidential and personal assistance with deaccession and collections management. We take an individual approach to every organization we serve, tailoring our services to meet your needs.

Contact LaGina Austin, Director of Appraisal & Auction Services, at 508-970-3299 to begin the conversation on how Skinner can best serve your collection management needs.

We understand the goals and concerns of non-profit institutions, and offer favorable pricing structures and terms along with the assurance that your transactions will be handled with discretion. The Skinner name and reputation adds value to your consignments.